Sunday, December 31, 2023

At the End of 2023


As this year ends, I want to share something with you. Thanks for being here with me in these 2 years, I want more years ahead please 😊. I love you with my imperfections and all. I don't know where we're gonna end, but I just want us to enjoy our happiness without worrying about what comes next.

Life has given so many ups and downs to me and I'm a bit complicated, which makes me scared about how things might end. But having you now is like having someone to share stories with, someone who's always there for me, helping me through the tough times.

I appreciate you being a positive part of my life, and I hope you stay patient and don't change. I really need you. I love you more than you realize. I want to be there for you, supporting and comforting you in difficult times. I'm sorry if I've been a bother or not good enough, making you upset. Maybe I'm just average compared to other women you know, and I'm sorry if being with me can be boring

But truly, thank you for being a valuable part of my life.



Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Amazing Cast


What are you made of?

Why is God really great to give birth to you from a mother for sure she is also kind?

Accompanying me, a woman who lacks so much

Many disappointments in my past

I have experienced a lot of traumas, I even often fall

But you help me keep going on and getting up

Even though I have said many times 

That for every problem I face, I will try to conquer myself

I try to be independent, so I don't keep bothering you

But still, you are always at my forefront

You love me too much

And I'm afraid a lot

Fear of not being able to be whom you want to be

Even though I know that every relationship is about complementarity

Honestly, I'm so grateful to have you

So sorry if I'm not perfect

But about accompanying you I always want

So, I want us to stay like this

Being two people who can complements each other

Thank you for always being there for me


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Nano Nano

 Jual NANO NANO Kulit Jeruk Permen [12 g] di Seller Satu Sama - Kota  Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan | Blibli

I have blogged on blogger ten times, and this is the eleventh time. My blog writing task is finished, but I will make sure I will keep writing. The impression during writing a blog is like the taste of nano-nano candy, sweet, bitter, salty, sour are mixed together. I feel dizzy and confused when I have no idea what to write. But I really enjoyed every process. Believe it or not, there is a feeling of joy in my heart when my writing is commented and liked by many readers. And of course, there was a great deal of annoyance, when only a few people saw my writing. But the most important thing is that I got new knowledge how to write a blog. In addition to get knowledge, I also get to useful experience. All the experiences that I have gotten from writing this blog, will definitely be useful for the future.

To be honest, I don't like writing. But at that time, when I was in the eighth grade, I was forced by my classmates to represent the class in a language month competition. I was enrolled in a poetry competition where I had absolutely no idea how to write poetry. Hearing that, I was a little disappointed because I was forced to join the competition. Pessimism, worry, fear mixed into one. One thing I did at that time, I went to the library and borrowed a book entitled "Teknik Menulis Puisi" by Sigit Mangun Wardoyo, M.Pd. I tried to read, understand, and practice every day until the day when the competition arrived. There is no hope no any expectation about it. However, during the announcement I was surprised because the first winner was won by Siti Maghfiroh. All of peoples gave me applause there. From there, I liked to write poetry and I published it on Wattpad.

Jual Teknik Menulis Puisi; Panduan Menulis Puisi Untuk Siswa, Mahasiswa,  Guru Dan Dosen (SIgit Mangun) | Shopee Indonesia 

From the story above, I took the initiative to write a blog that focuses on poetry. Making it easier for me to express my ideas, hobbies, and develop my talents in this activity. I enjoy every process of this. Because to be honest, I enjoyed this course. There are no heavy demands because the important thing is we can write. Free topics make it easier for us to write, we can write whatever we want. This is a very useful activity. Because by writing, especially writing poetry, I can express my emotions and reduce the burden on my mind. As I know, writing poetry is an activity that involves feelings.

Oh yes, one more. Writing a blog provides many benefits for us. For me, a blog is a place for self-expression. I'm free to write when I'm sad, happy, upset, angry or something else when I can't tell other people. Our creativity will be better when we are diligent in writing, so practice writing often. The human brain is like a human muscle that needs to be trained all the time to stay strong. Without realizing it, writing more ideas that exist in our brains can strengthen our brain's memory. We can produce something that we can re-read and can be read by the general public so that the ideas in our brains are not wasted.

Do you enjoy the activity too? When did you last write? Do you remember the script? If you forget, you must have not written for a long time, even though the benefits of writing are numerous if you know. As I explained previously. Writing is not just about paper, there are other media like smartphones, laptops, computers and others, which all offer the same advantages. Perhaps most often we do expressive writing on social media that contains vents from the heart or about feeling uncomfortable about something. By making an expressive writing such as this, we will feel our own satisfaction and we will feel more relieved.

That is my message and impression in taking creative writing course for one semester.  Thank you very much Mrs. Nurul for all the knowledge you give.  You are our role model and you are always the best.

Sunday, November 13, 2022


It takes courage enough to admit
To be honest we are the same
A body with a head full of problems 
Forced to live side by side in a world 
whose contents are not just one or two continents
Learn to camouflage in different human forms

I want to introduce 
Those who do not dare to appear 
in front of the face
Who lie down and then whose latitude is broken

There is me who likes to swear at each other 
Sothat I feel better than them
There is me who withdraws from the environment 
Because it is more comfortable to be alone 
Without fear of being threatened
There is me who is joking all the time
Becomes a place for friends to complain
Does not hesitate to give a helping hand
Even though I need it more

Pretense, escape, sadness
The diverse me 
With a form of regret, anger, also despair
Sometimes it does not mean I am tired of forgiving
Or have not forgotten 
Or not being grateful for God's blessings

Am I too late in the situation or am I deliberately punishing myself because I feel that God's punishment is lacking?

Friday, November 11, 2022

Admire You

You know how strong he is?

He smiles at everyone 

Even though it is fake

Helps others in need

When the truth is,

He is the one in need

Cheering up lonely

When the fact,

He doesn't  know how to cheer himself  up

Comforts the broken hearts

When he cries everynight alone

Makes a path to those who lost 

But found himself in the middle of nowhere in this world

And makes everyone happy when his life is full of tears and misery

And I admire him for how strong he is

To help the battle of others

While fighting him own

Hey strong man

You are awesome

And I adore you a lot

Yeah, this is for all those people who look others before themselves. I admire you all! This proves that not all heroes wears cape! Yay!

Keep going and never give up!!

Have a great day everyone!

Friday, November 4, 2022

Never Give Up

A/N: This is not a love poem but it has vast meaning in all our lives.A short one which I wrote long time ago on wattpad. Hope you all like it and get inspired :)

Never give-up on your dreams 

Let your heart be your only guide 

Follow the river and streams 

Do it with conviction and pride

If one door closes let it be so 

But find another entrance that will allow you to grow 

When simple tasks become more of a burden

And the hill you are climbing is like a mountain

Remember you are stronger than you think 

Return to the river and drink from the stream 

And never give up on your dreams!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Be Yourself

 A/N: Not a poem, just some lines of motivation. Give it a read :)

Don't you at times feel that there is absolutely nothing that can make you feel better. You just feel like you're a failure and have nothing unique about yourself. When you look into the mirror, you see somebody full of flaws and you see every bit of imperfection. When you see happy couples, you just want to be with somebody, somebody who will not break your heart like the ones who did, somebody who can mend your heart. You just want to have real friends, not the fake ones who only respect your existence when they need something, but friends who are always there for you. You just feel as if nothing in the world makes sense. Your existence was a mistake and that you cannot be like others. You cannot be good at even one thing.

But the universal truth is that we all have flaws, without flaws we won't be us. Yes, we may at times have a breakdown but that's what life is. To go through the sad times so that you can live the happy ones. We all have this image of a perfect life in our heads which we want to see come true, all of us. That is why we don't realize how perfect our lives are. Our life could be somebody else's dream life. We just need to accept who we are because we can't say that we're perfect and don't have flaws. We do, we have them but it's our responsibility to make them become our strengths. What if we've not found that someone special in our life yet? We will be someday though he/she will not change who we are today. People who want to be true to us will come from any way and will always be there for us, we just need to let them in.

Your existence has some importance, we're all made to achieve something. We're in this world because we need to make a difference. We all are crazy, extraordinary people. Nobody's normal in this world. We need to accept who we are, find our true talents and discover our true selves, our passion, even if people think it's stupid, we have to go for it. We cannot just sit here and listen to people, we need to make a change, even if people criticize. Our flaws make us who we are today and we're not going to be anybody else except us cause everybody else is already taken.

At the End of 2023

 Hi, As this year ends, I want to share something with you. Thanks for being here with me in these 2 years, I want more years ahead please ...