Friday, October 28, 2022

Be Yourself

 A/N: Not a poem, just some lines of motivation. Give it a read :)

Don't you at times feel that there is absolutely nothing that can make you feel better. You just feel like you're a failure and have nothing unique about yourself. When you look into the mirror, you see somebody full of flaws and you see every bit of imperfection. When you see happy couples, you just want to be with somebody, somebody who will not break your heart like the ones who did, somebody who can mend your heart. You just want to have real friends, not the fake ones who only respect your existence when they need something, but friends who are always there for you. You just feel as if nothing in the world makes sense. Your existence was a mistake and that you cannot be like others. You cannot be good at even one thing.

But the universal truth is that we all have flaws, without flaws we won't be us. Yes, we may at times have a breakdown but that's what life is. To go through the sad times so that you can live the happy ones. We all have this image of a perfect life in our heads which we want to see come true, all of us. That is why we don't realize how perfect our lives are. Our life could be somebody else's dream life. We just need to accept who we are because we can't say that we're perfect and don't have flaws. We do, we have them but it's our responsibility to make them become our strengths. What if we've not found that someone special in our life yet? We will be someday though he/she will not change who we are today. People who want to be true to us will come from any way and will always be there for us, we just need to let them in.

Your existence has some importance, we're all made to achieve something. We're in this world because we need to make a difference. We all are crazy, extraordinary people. Nobody's normal in this world. We need to accept who we are, find our true talents and discover our true selves, our passion, even if people think it's stupid, we have to go for it. We cannot just sit here and listen to people, we need to make a change, even if people criticize. Our flaws make us who we are today and we're not going to be anybody else except us cause everybody else is already taken.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Main Cast

You came into my life with a new color

You healed my wounds about the past

You can change my life

Much better than the past life

You are an ordinary human who is able to give extraordinary love

A love that can't be expressed by words

Hear what is not said

Understand what is not explained

Thank you for everything

For everything you give

Sincere love and also teaching about various things

You have taught what it is to appreciate, accept, be grateful, sincere and independent

Now I can stand alone calmly through all personal problems

And now I have understood what life is and also true love

Hope every dream will come true

With you in every step

Live happily together forever

Hopefully the feeling between us will never fade with the time

Love is not a dream but it's a hope

It's not what you get, but what you feel

love is not poetry but heart's word

If love is hope then heart is the answer.

I can't write beautiful poetry

Which can fascinates you in every rhyme

I can only make love stories

Where you are the main character

Friday, October 14, 2022

Spect of Light

I'm trapped in the chaos of this world

I see the beautiful night

There is one star that is far from the group

However, the light is as bright as the sun's light

Does it grieve for this world?

Can it not fulfill its wish?

Why was it alone on the other end?

Did no one expect it?

I will wish on that star

I will make that little star

As a dream field

And everyone's dream field

Without any doubt

I started to spread my little wings

I started to share my wish

So that star realizes that it is not alone in this world

I will believe

This is the path of life that I take

This is the path of life that I choose

This belief will no longer be shaken

The failures I've faced so far

The trouble that comes to me right now

Now it has slowly returned to being a speck of light

The light that will always shine bright

Even if you are alone in this world

At the End of 2023

 Hi, As this year ends, I want to share something with you. Thanks for being here with me in these 2 years, I want more years ahead please ...